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  • HOPE fosters change. Will you help create change? logo
  • Happy Holiday Season! This is a joyous time for many, a busy time for most, and often a challenging time for the young people we serve. I am honored to share how we have turned generosity into HOPE for youth in our community experiencing homelessness in 2023.


    More than 13,300 young people in Minnesota will experience homelessness this year alone. Our work has never been more critical. In partnership with you, we are able to create change and give HOPE to the youth we serve every day.


    Together, we can end youth homelessness. 


    “Where am I going to sleep tonight?” “How can I go to school or work when I don’t know where my next meal will come from?” “Now that snow is falling, how will I get to work on my bike?”

    These are real situations the young people we serve experience every day. The young people walking into our Drop-In Center come from different life experiences. Some have aged out of the foster care system, others are unable to find affordable housing, have faced adverse childhood situations like abuse or neglect, or have faced discrimination.

    Will you help support the youth we serve to ensure they have a warm and safe place to call home like Jaxon, Nina, and Amara?

    Jaxon had been staying at his girlfriend's house while he was finishing high school. After graduating, he wasn’t ready to live on his own. A HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager was able to create a Host Homes arrangement for two months. Our Host Home program allowed Jaxon to stay with a safe and supportive adult while receiving support from a Case Manager to prepare him for living on his own. After exploring different options with his Case Manager, Jaxon expressed interest in our HOPE Place Program. Through coordination and communication between Case Managers, Jaxon was able to move into HOPE Place. While living at HOPE Place Jaxon passed his permit test, is practicing for his license, and acquired a full-time job. Jaxon is thriving at HOPE Place!


    Nina & her daughter have been working with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager for over a year now. When she first came to the Drop-In Center she was jumping from job to job because she did not have a stable living situation. As a mother, Nina knew she needed to create a safe and stable environment for her child. Her Case Manager was able to help her get her own apartment through an Anoka County housing partnership that provided rental support. Then, Nina applied and was hired at a local hospital. She now has work she enjoys and is able to support her and her child. Nina shared with her Case Manager that she is interested in higher education, but said, “One step at a time”. Through our support and resources, Nina and her child are experiencing HOPE and looking forward to what their future holds.

    Amara was living in a tent behind a dumpster after being kicked out of a nearby shelter when she first came to our Drop-In Center. Her case manager worked with the shelter for Amara’s re-entry. Since staying there, Amara has been working full-time overnights. Through regular meetings with her Case Manager, she learned a unit had become available at HOPE Place. Unfortunately, Amara was missing the necessary documents she needed to live at HOPE Place. Through our partnership with Anoka County Mental Health, Amara was able to acquire the paperwork. Amara is moving into HOPE Place next week! She was extremely appreciative of the support she received. Amara is thankful for a safe and supportive place to go if she needs help again.


    With your support, we can help move more youth like Jaxon, Nina, and Amara into safe, affordable, and stable housing. It was reported that 78% of surveyed youth have maintained the stable housing we helped them acquire. The work being done at HOPE 4 Youth is truly making a difference in the lives of young people experiencing homelessness. Surveyed youth who have received services from H4Y report:

    98% have reported successes or improvements in one or more goal areas related to stable housing, education, employment, etc. 


    84% have developed healthier relationships with family, friends, and other adults.


    69% feel their mental health has improved in the last 6 months. 


    HOPE 4 Youth can walk alongside youth only through your generosity. With your continued support, we’ll be here for local young people who are at risk or are experiencing homelessness to meet their basic needs and equip them with tools to thrive regardless of their current situation.


    I hope you’ll consider donating today through one of the ways listed below. In return, we promise to be good stewards of your generosity. 


    Together we are changing lives!

  • $59,385

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In Support of HOPE 4 Youth
HOPE 4 Youth provides pathways to end youth homelessness. It is our vision that all youth feel safe, valued, and supported while reaching their full potential. This begins with meeting their basic needs and leads to giving them the tools to thrive.