If you saw a young person by a stalled vehicle, you’d likely stop. If you found out he or she was homeless with no means to fix the car problem, you may offer to help. Our Arrow Giving Foundation Roadside Assistance Fund was created for when a car problem arises and you’re not there.The fund is available to young people who are homeless when a car emergency puts them at risk of missing school, work or a health appointment. It covers emergency tows, unexpected repairs and other vehicle-related expenses like license plates and tabs.For many young people we support, their car is a lifeline — and sometimes a place to spend the night. So when there’s trouble, it can be disastrous. Your gift to this campaign will create a safety net to help a young person in need and keep him or her on the road to a better life.
raised of $10,000 goal3

In Support of HOPE 4 Youth
HOPE 4 Youth provides pathways to end youth homelessness. It is our vision that all youth feel safe, valued, and supported while reaching their full potential. This begins with meeting their basic needs and leads to giving them the tools to thrive.