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Thank you for supporting our Holiday Wish List event this winter season. 

Who can participate in the Holiday Wish List?

Anyone can join the Holiday Wish List event on behalf of your own family, on behalf of your religious or social organization, or on behalf of your employer or business.

What is the monetary commitment?

The commitment is to spend $100 on each individual or per individual family member for their gifts. The suggestion is to choose one larger item and two smaller items for each youth from their wish list. We strongly encourage you to provide a $50 -$100 gift card to Target, Walmart, or a gas station to extra support of gas or groceries over the holidays.

How will I know what to purchase?

Once you have completed and submitted the response form, HOPE 4 Youth will match you with a youth. You will receive their wish lists with details  but the wish lists will not have names for confidentiality reasons.

Do I need to complete all purchases before bringing in items?

Yes, we do need all purchases to be brought in together for each youth. Gifts need to arrive in a box, unwrapped, with the family number clearly written on the box that you use to bring the items. For example, if I am assigned Youth #22 - I will purchase, gather, label, and place all items together into a box and then label that box “Youth # 22” and then drop off the box.

When are items due?

All Holiday Wish List items will be turned at our Anoka Center (located at 2665 4th Ave N, Suite 40, Anoka) through date choice below or by scheduling a specific time by contacting Mari Dahlke.

Should I wrap items?

No. Please leave all gifts unwrapped.

Questions: contact Mari Dahlke, Community Engagement Coordinator at 763-323-2066 ext. 118 or

Name of Family or Group

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Group Type

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Contact: Email and Phone

Enter a response

Preferred number of individuals I would like to support?

Enter a response

I will also provide an additional gift card to a Gas Station, Target or Walmart

Enter a response

I will plan to drop off my Holiday Wish List on:

Enter a response

Please share any additional information here

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